This tutorial is the second in a series of four describing how to add an assignment, and will focus on completing the ‘Authorisation’ tab. This is where all details relating to how timesheets may be submitted by the candidate and authorised by the client are defined for an assignment.
The fields within this tab are explained below:
Authorisation Type(s): determines which method of timesheet authorisation can be used. The various methods of authorisation are:
Manually print and return an authorised timesheet: allows the candidate to print off the etz timesheet for physical signing by a manager. They can then return the image by uploading the image, or by email/fax.
Useful if the timesheet authoriser is at a different location to the candidate.
-Upload timesheet image from clients own timesheet system: This option will allow the candidate to simply upload a timesheet document, which has been created outside of etz. They can also enter timesheet information if required, but this information will not be sent for authorisation. The timesheet image will appear in the Incoming Timesheet Image section of the agency's etz instance.
There are several ways of submitting a physical timesheets generated by the three methods above, all resulting in a digital image of the timesheet appearing in the ‘Incoming Timesheet Images’ section. Here, it will join the queue of images awaiting verification by an agency user. The submission options are as follows:
- Scanned in and uploaded via the candidate portal (PDF format only).
- Scanned in and emailed to the agency email address (PDF, JPG, GIF or TIFF formats accepted).
- Faxed to the Etz fax number (as identified in the agency details page).
Of the three methods, the first is the preferred option as the user is logged in and so the system knows to associate the timesheet image with the timesheet submission.
Client Authorisation Types: this provides two further options for timesheet authorisation that are far quicker, easier and more secure than the physical submission methods discussed above. Please note: These options can only be selected if the client has existing users (listed at the bottom of the Authorisation tab page) and at least one of these users has been given permission to authorise timesheets for the method in question (indicated by ticked boxes). If there are no existing users, or these users do not have permissions, the method tick boxes will be unavailable.
- Client Online: allows the candidate to submit their digitally completed timesheet to a valid client authoriser through the Etz portal. When the client authoriser logs in to the system, they can approve many timesheets at once, and so is the most efficient authorisation method for large numbers of timesheets..
- Client etzSigned: again, allows the candidate to submit their digitally completed timesheet to a valid client authoriser, but does not require the authoriser to log in to the etz portal. As such, this is more convenient for one-off approvals. An email is sent to the timesheet authoriser, containing a hyperlink to the individual timesheet, where it can be viewed and either authorised or rejected. The client user needs only enter their name, email and job title to access the timesheet.
Once the timesheets hav been authorised by either of the two digital methods discussed above, it will be displayed within the ‘Online Validation’ section, ready to be validated by an agency user.
For further information regarding ‘Client Online’ or ‘etz Sign’ methods, please refer to: What is Etz Sign or Online sign
Once you have finished configuring the authorisation settings, click ‘Update’ to save these settings, or move on to the third assignment tab of note - ‘Categories’, as discussed in the next tutorial, How to add an Assignment - Categories tab.
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