All suppliers, including Ltd. companies, self-bill and umbrella companies, are referred to in Etz as Suppliers.
To manage suppliers, navigate to ‘Reference Data’, and then ‘Supplier Entry’.
This will bring up a list of all of the existing suppliers on the system. To add a new supplier, click on the ‘Add new supplier’ button at the bottom.
This will take you to a form, as in the image below, where you can enter the details for the new supplier.
A description of the most important fields:
Agency Ref: normally used when importing suppliers from a front office system such as Bullhorn. If you would like this option to be available to you please contact our support desk.
Purchase Ledger Code: this field is particularly important as it is the reference that will be used when exporting purchase invoices for this supplier to your accounts system and acts as the identifier for the record.
Supplier Name: name of the supplier company.
Contact Details:
Name: name of the lead point of contact for the supplier company.
Address line 1- line 6: the supplier's registered address. Ensure that there are no gaps between address fields as this will lead to blank lines on any generated documentation.
Payment Information: this section is for the entry of supplier bank details. Sort code and account number are required as a minimum, but other details, such as bank name and address, can be added if available.
ACN/ ABN/ Company No: the registered company number.
Sales Tax Number: the company VAT number, if appropriate. If the company is not VAT registered, please ensure you tick the sales tax type as 0%.
Sales Tax Type: the rate at which the supplier pays VAT.
Remittance Creation:
Remittance Grouping: this reflects how you wish timesheets to be collated for invoices - per assignment, per candidate or per supplier.
Self Billing?: select this tick box if you have a self-billing agreement with the supplier. If ticked, the system will produce self-bill invoices for this supplier.
Document Template: If you need to use a different remittance layout then a bespoke template can be created and will be assigned to the supplier under Document Template.
Remittance Delivery:
Delivery Mode: the method by which remittance will be delivered to the supplier. Please note - setting the delivery mode as Post will instruct the system to email the post email address you have set in your agency reference page, allowing you to print off the remittance/ invoice and post it to your supplier.
Show as Payslip: if ticked, candidates will be able to see a copy of the remittance advice you have sent to their Umbrella Company/ Limited company. Please note: do not group by supplier if you are displaying remittances to candidates as the candidate will be able to see all pay information relating to all individuals on the remittance.
Please ensure that for umbrella companies, you group by assignment or candidate.
Once all the relevant information has been entered, click the ‘Save Changes' button. This will save the information and take you back to the supplier overview screen, where you will see the newly created supplier record. Once the record has been created, you will then be able to associate the new supplier with a candidate/assignment. Associating a supplier with a candidate will automatically associate the supplier when creating new assignments for that candidate.
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