Walkthrough guide
This tutorial will follow through the process of delivering sales invoices produced by the Etz system via the 'Create Sales Invoices' section (see tutorial How to create a Sales Invoice).
Navigate to ‘Sales Invoices’ and then ‘Undelivered Sales Invoices’. Here, you will see a list of all of the sales invoices that have been generated on the system, but have not yet been delivered to the client.
Within this view you can see key details relating to each invoice, such as client, date, value and the email address to which the document will be delivered (which is set within the client configuration – see tutorial How to add a Client). The generated invoice document (along with supporting images, including timesheets and expenses) can be viewed by clicking on the document symbol on the far left of each line.
You can use the filters near the top of the page to control the invoices that appear within the list.
To the right of each invoice line you will see one of three symbol colours. When one or more lines are present of a particular colour, there will also be a coloured box at the bottom of the page, with a message and available option for the corresponding invoices. The symbols and actions are:
- green symbol: invoice is ready to deliver. The green box at the bottom of the page will show a ‘Deliver all invoice(s)’ button, allowing you to deliver all ‘ready to go’ invoices with one action.
- amber symbol: indicates that the image(s) associated with the invoice has been updated since the invoice was created. This may have occurred, for example, if an expenses image was added. The amber box at the bottom of the page will show a ‘Re-create X invoice(s)’ button, which will rebuild the invoice(s) with the modified attachments.
- red symbol: states that the invoice in question has an incomplete record of timesheets attached. The red box at the bottom of the page will show a ‘View the report’ button, allowing you to view details of the problem. It is advised that you return to the ‘Timesheet’ section of the system in order to attach the required documents.
In addition to approving all invoices marked with a green symbol (as indicated above) it is also possible to manually select and deliver invoices from the list, overriding any amber or red warnings, although this is strongly discouraged.
Delivering an invoice by either of these two methods causes the invoice to be sent as either a link or PDF by email to the ‘Delivery Address’ listed for each invoice. Alternatively, it is possible to mark a selection of invoices as delivered without sending an email, by clicking on the ‘Mark selected invoice(s) as Delivered’ button.
If the invoice is delivered as a link, it is possible to track whether the client has viewed or downloaded the invoice by checking the section ‘Invoices Not Actioned’. This view displays a list of invoices that have not yet been viewed or downloaded, with an indication of the number of days since the invoice was delivered.
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