Once logged into the etz system, as an administrator, navigate to the ‘Reference Data’ menu > ‘Agency Details’.
You will be taken to the ‘Agency Info’ tab. First you must ensure that your agency name is correct. If any amendments to the name are needed, please alert the support team, using the support option.
Following this is the ‘Address’ section. Please note: when entering your address, do not leave a blank field between any details, as this will appear as a blank line within the address on any documents (e.g. invoices) raised in the system.
The next fields are ‘Phone’, ‘Fax’, ‘Email’ and ‘Website’.
When entering the registered office address into the single ‘Registered Office’ field, please separate each address line with a comma.
The next fields relate to your company and VAT numbers, Bank account information for the agency, ‘Language’ and ‘Region’ of the agency. Please ensure that these are all correct.
You will then see a ‘Notice’ entry field - please complete this section if you will be using an invoice factoring company, by entering a factoring disclaimer. This will appear on the invoices raised within the system. You can also enter your sales tax disclaimer in the entry field below, which can optionally appear on invoices, depending on the document template used.
Contact details for the remittance contact should be added to the following four fields. The two email fields (‘From Email’ and ‘Post Email’) are particularly important and you will need to be aware of how these work.
‘From Email’ field: emails sent from the system (to candidates, clients, etc.) will come from this address. This is a no reply email address and must use the domain @timezheetz.net (so for example you could have youragencyname@timezheetz.net)
‘Post Email’ field: any invoices that are assigned to be physically posted, rather than emailed out, will be sent as an attachment to this email address, so that they may be printed off and send out. As such, this email address needs to be live and internal to your agency.
The last important field to take note of is in the section titled ‘Incoming Timesheet Images Fax Number(s)’ located at the bottom of the page. Every Etz agency will be provided with a fax number. This will be used for Faxback approval (as well as other things within the system), so it is important to ensure that this number is entered correctly.
This concludes the explanation of the most crucial information that you will need to enter to get started.
For further information and help please see the rest of our knowledge base.
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