Timesheet Reports:
Timesheet by Hours:
This report will give you a list of timesheets for a given period and for a specific status showing either the pay or bill rate, value and authorisation type.
Timesheet by Hours Detailed:
This report will give you timesheet information including the daily start and end time, and rate information for all timesheets within a given period for a selected client.
Multi-Batch Pay-Bill Report:
This report allows you to select batches to display all PAYE, Sales or Purchase details for those particular pay runs.
Timesheet Authorisation Summary:
This report gives you the total number of timesheets for a given period per authorisation process.
Unbatched Timesheets for Payment:
This report gives the assignment, pay and bill information for all timesheets with a status of Timesheet Received where either the pay amount has not been included in a payroll batch, the pay amount has not yet been added to a remittance/invoice, or the remittance/invoice has not been included in a purchase batch.
Unbatched Timesheets for Billing:
This report gives the assignment, pay and bill information for all timesheets with a status of Timesheet Received where either the bill amount has not yet been invoiced or the invoice has not been included in a sales batch.
Pay Bill Outstanding Timesheets:
This gives you the assignment, pay and bill information per timesheet for any timesheets for a given period which have not been included in either a sales invoice, purchase invoice or payroll batch.
Outstanding Timesheet Values:
This report gives you a list of all timesheets which do not have a status of Timesheet Received, including pay and bill details.
Unprocessed Timesheets:
This report lists all timesheets which have been submitted but not batched, and includes assignment information, pay/bill information and margin details.
Timesheet Images Missing from Invoices:
This report will give you a list of the timesheets which are on the Undelivered Sales Invoices screen where the timesheet does not have a timesheet image attached.
When viewing the undelivered sales invoice, the system will indicate which invoices do not contain timesheet images.
Timesheet Validation Summary:
This report will give you a list of all timesheets validated via either online validation or incoming images.
Timesheet Volume:
This is a graph showing the number of timesheets processed per month over the course of a year.
Timesheet Volume Report:
This report displays a list of all timesheets processed in a given month.
Timesheet Volume Summary Report:
This report only shows the total number of timesheets processed in a given month.
Worker Volume Report:
This will give you a list of all candidates who have at least one processed timesheet in the chosen month and can be used for identifying the etz monthly invoice excess charges.
AWR Candidate Report:
The AWR Candidate Report shows all current, live assignments and can be filtered to focus on assignments that may be ‘Becoming not compliant’, ‘Compliant’ or ‘Not Compliant’ as required.
AWR Previous Assignments:
This report offers the same as AWR Candidate Report but allows a date range to be entered so that older assignments can be reported.
Sales Reports:
Invoice & Payment Summary:
This lists the invoice, remittance, assignment and timesheet information by invoice number. You can also input a range of invoices.
Purchase Order Report:
The Purchase Order report shows any orders that have been created on the Purchase Order Entry screen. When the Purchase Orders have been linked to Assignments, this report is a very useful tool in managing those orders and monitoring the total spend against each one.
Invoice Summary by Batches:
This report will give you basic sales invoice information for all the invoices in a selected batch.
Access Horizon Invoice Batch(s) Export - Sales Transaction Report
This report gives you basic sales invoice information for all invoices in a selected batch, but the information is displayed in a specific format for Access Horizon.
Access Horizon Invoice Batch(s) Export - Customer Report
This report gives you basic Client information for all sales invoices in a selected batch, but the information is displayed in a specific format for Access Horizon.
Payment Reports:
Invoice & Payment Summary:
This lists the invoice, remittance, assignment and timesheet information by invoice number. You can also input a range of invoices.
Purchase Invoice Summary by Batches:
This report will give you basic purchase invoice information for all the invoices in a selected batch.
Access Horizon Invoice Batch(s) Export - Sales Transaction Report
This report gives you basic purchase remittance/invoice information for all invoices in a selected batch, but the information is displayed in a specific format for Access Horizon.
Access Horizon Invoice Batch(s) Export - Customer Report
This report gives you basic Supplier information for all purchase remittance/invoice in a selected batch, but the information is displayed in a specific format for Access Horizon.
HMRC Intermediaries Report:
This report collects all relevant information from etz and creates the specific Section 16 Intermediaries report for submission to HMRC for UK agencies during a selected period.
HMRC Transactional Report:
This report displays the transactions for each worker within the specified reporting period (for reference only) relating to the information on the HMRC Intermediaries Report.
Margins and Forecasting Reports:
Forecast Revenue:
This report gives you a revenue forecast based on assignment information for the current year from January to December, but will also include actual values once the timesheets have been processed.
Gross Margin:
The Gross Margin report lists the pay and bill amounts for each client and includes any cost element (Employer’s National Insurance on any PAYE-type items) to arrive at the gross margin figure.
On Cost Margin:
This report shows the on cost margins based on gross margins.
On Cost Split Margin:
This report shows the on cost margins based on commission splits as opposed to gross margins.
Split Margin Report:
This report shows the margin figures for each timesheet split by consultant percentage.
Consultant Commissions:
This report provides the gross margin figure from an individual timesheet perspective and also details any split commission amounts relevant to each timesheet for each consultant.
Assignment Overview:
This overview provides useful, strategic information on the number of assignments that fall within the rate bands entered on the report selection criteria.
Assignment Summary:
The Assignment Summary provides key information from the assignment end date perspective, therefore allowing the assignment administrator to monitor assignments nearing their end date and extend dates if necessary.
Assignment Authorisation Summary:
This report gives the assignment authorisation information for all assignments. The report can be filtered to only show live assignments if needed.
Other reports:
Outgoing Messages Log:
This report gives information about sales and purchase invoice delivery emails and candidate timesheet reminder emails for a given period.
Welcome Message Log:
This report gives details about the Assignment Welcome and User Invitation emails for a given period.
Client Message Log:
This report gives details about the emails sent to client users including User Invitations, timesheet authorisations and timesheet reminder emails for a given period.
Timesheet Message Log:
This report gives a list of all emails sent relating to a given timesheet reference number.
Consolidated Document Download:
This option will allow you to send a request to the system to create a document for download which contains all the sales or purchase invoice documents.
Candidate List for Agency Group:
This gives a list of the name, mobile, email address and supplier name for all candidate records in your agency or group.
Client List for Agency Group:
This gives a list of the name, address, email address and contact name for all client records in your agency or group.
Supplier List for Agency Group:
This gives a list of the name, address, email address and contact name for all supplier records in your agency or group.
Voided Invoice List:
This gives a list of either sales or purchase invoices which have been voided.
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