Customer & Supplier Accounts set up for Xero Integration
Sales Ledger (Customer) and Purchase Ledger (Supplier) accounts are known as Contact Accounts in Xero. The API (Application Processing Interface) works by looking at the Agency Ref field in Etz and matches this to a Contact Code in Xero. It is important to ensure all Clients & Suppliers have the Agency Ref field populated in Etz. This will avoid issues later with Contact Accounts being created in Xero without a Contact Number.
The Mapping: (Etz) Agency Ref ID > (Xero) Contact Code
On the Client or Supplier Entry screens in etz, the Contact fields that will automatically update in Xero from Etz are:
Client / Supplier Name
Client / Supplier Address
Client / Supplier Invoice Delivery Email (for multiple emails please use ; as the separator)
Client / Supplier Vat Re Number
- If there is no Contact Code to match the Agency Reference then Xero will create a new Contact Code using the Agency Ref as the Contact Code Number for the new record.
Any transactions will then be posted to the new Contact Code in Xero automatically when the transactions are posted using the API.
Contact details in etz which are automatically updated to Xero when using the API.
Any changes to the Client or Supplier record (using Client or Supplier Entry screens) in etz will overwrite the Contact fields in Xero the next time the API is used.
Adding Nominal Ledger Account Codes to etz
Nominal Ledger Account codes need to be added to etz before sending invoices to xero. The Nominal Ledger Account codes can be added in three different places in Etz; Etz will take the first set of Nominal Codes in the following order.
Option 1
- Assignment > Categories > Accounting Interface (Bill Code, Pay Code)
When using this option Etz needs the codes to be input using a coma as the separator, for example; 200, 325
- This is how the codes have been input into Etz
- This is how the codes have been posted at transactional level in Xero
Option 2
- Assignment > Categories > Sector (Bill Code/Pay Code)
The Bill code and Pay code can be taken from the Sector set on the assignment categories.
Using this option means we need you to input the bill and pay codes for each of the Sectors you set up.
Option 3
- Assignment > Costing > Rate Code (Nominal Code for Pay/Nominal Code for Bill)
If you have the ‘Nominal Code for Pay’ and ‘Nominal Code for Bill’ set up on the Rate Code Entry chosen for the assignment then this option can be used.
If you use expenses and use different nominal codes to your standard pay and bill codes, you will need to use Option 3 using the nominal codes on the Rate Code Entry instead of on the Assignment Categories. If you are using either Rate Code Entry or Expense Code Entry to add your expense code/s you will need to add the nominal codes here too to match Xero.
Adding Expense on Rate Code Entry
Adding expense on Expense Code Entry
How to export your sales and purchase invoices to Xero
Once a sales or purchase batch has been created in Etz, it is simply a case of pushing the Xero button on the batch options to initiate the export synchronisation:
Select the highlighted Xero option from either the Sales Invoice Export Batches or the Purchase Invoice Export Batches
Once you have selected this option, a new window will open on your browser. This window will ask you to log into Xero by clicking the link.
You will need to enter your Xero login details. If you are already logged into Xero on your computer then you won’t need to enter your login details and will be taken straight to the next step.
You will then be asked to authorise the application
You will then receive confirmation that the application is enabled, etz can now access Xero to post the invoice batch.
Once you have reviewed the invoices listed in the batch summary, you will now need to click the Post Invoices button
You will then receive a confirmation message that the invoices have now been created in Xero.
The batch will then move to the Processed Batches tab on etz
In Xero you will now see your batch posted from etz. The invoice/s will appear in Xero as Draft invoices ready to be approved
The Batch ID from Etz will populate in the Ref field in Xero.
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