Here is a comprehensive list of all available reports in Caspian, all reports can be exported out into CSV or Excel documents, this list being added to quite frequently as our aim is to move over all relevant ETZ Reports to Caspian.
Assignment Summary - The Assignment Summary provides key information from the assignment end date perspective, therefore allowing the assignment administrator to monitor assignments nearing their end date and extend dates if necessary. This report has many filters you can apply to make this report customisable to your desired data. The overall summary box is a great way of tracking currencies being used. The graphs will also give insights into your summary at a quick glance or alternatively you can export the data.
Billing Reconciliation -
This report is to show how many candidates have been processed through the ETZ Timesheetz system each month and this report is the ideal report to cross check your ETZ Invoices.
Consultant Commission - This report provides the gross margin figure from an individual timesheet perspective and details any split commission amounts relevant to each timesheet for each consultant. The visual Data is available alternatively this information can be exported out as a CSV/Excel document. This report is very accurate to calculate your consultants commission if the information has been placed into the assignment,
Consultant Commission Beta –
This includes the data from the consultant commission report, but the splits are applied to the timesheet bill, pay and margin.
Forecast Revenue - This report gives you a revenue forecast based on assignment information for the current year from January to December but will also include actual values once the timesheets have been processed.
Gross Margin - The Gross Margin report lists the pay and bill amounts for each client and includes any cost element (Employer’s National Insurance on any PAYE-type items) to arrive at the gross margin figure. This report also is the only place to track Self Billing invoices which have been marked as billed, this report has many filters to drill down into your data but also shows the Trend but if you switch over to the Detail Tab this is where you can export just the data.
Invoice & Payment Summary - This lists the invoice, remittance, assignment and timesheet information by invoice number. You can also input a range of invoices. This report can also be detailed further into Branches/Sectors if this filter is selected which us a great way of tracking internal information.
Invoice & Payment Summary Detailed -
This is the same data as the invoice and payment summary, but this report includes the invoice broken out into bill and pay for the values (bill, pay, vat, units)
Invoice Summary by Batches - This report will give you basic sales invoice information for all the invoices in a selected batch. This report is a helpful report to track your Factor codes that are being used for Invoice Finance purposes. We have made this report easier to use with the extra added filter available is the date range.
Multi-Bill Pay-Bill
This report allows you to select batches to display all PAYE, Sales Purchase, Purchase Commission, Off Payroll details for those particular pay runs
Outstanding Timesheet Values - This report gives you a list of all timesheets which do not have a status of Timesheet Received, including pay and bill details. This report has lots of ways you can filter down the information but the easiest is to use the Timesheet Status.
Purchase Invoice Day book -
This report is a record of all of the Remittances/Self Bill remittances raised in a certain timeframe, very useful report often used for accounting purposes.
Purchase Invoice Summary by Batches - This report will give you basic purchase invoice information for all the invoices in a selected batch. Filters available enable you to narrow down the batches down by date raised or by Pay run Id's.
Purchase Order Summary -
This is a more comprehensive report compared to the Purchase Invoice summary by batches as you can narrow things down in more depth using the added filters, with the added feature of searching by active or inactive.
Sales Invoice Day Book -
This report is a record of all of the Sales Invoices raised in a certain timeframe, very useful report often used for accounting purposes.
Split Margin - This report shows the margin figures for each timesheet split by consultant percentage. lots of visuals on the dashboard for this report for easy access or narrow this report down with the extensive list of filters.
Timesheet Chaser -
This very detailed report gives a very up to date summary of the status of all of your timesheets, a quick and easy report to show you the statuses of your timesheets and delivers very detailed information.
Timesheet Hours - This report will give you a list of timesheets for a given period and for a specific status showing either the pay or bill rate, value and authorisation type.
Timesheet Hours Detailed - This report will give you timesheet information including the daily start and end time, and rate information for all timesheets within a given period for a selected client.
Worker Volume & Timesheet History - This will give you a list of all candidates who have at least one processed timesheet in the chosen month and can be used for identifying the ETZ monthly invoice excess charges.
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