General Queries
- A candidate has submitted a timesheet but we need to change the authoriser to authorise the timesheet.
- A candidate does not have any timesheets available, even though their assignment is current.
- A timesheet for a candidate which is 'Awaiting Approval' but the manager is saying that it shows up as no longer valid?
- Can ETZ accommodate margin-only/pay only/bill only timesheets?
- Can I amend a processed timesheet?
- Can I re-open a cancelled timesheet?
Timesheet Entry
- A candidate cannot enter units on public holidays - why is this?
- A candidate has marked all the days as 'not worked' on one of their timesheets, but it will not let them submit zero hours. Why is this?
- A candidate says they cannot see their overtime once they have entered it onto their timesheet...why is this?
- Additional Notes on Timesheets
- Etz sign links have expired
- How to add a manual timesheet
Timesheet Validation
- Adding Images to a Timesheet Under Incoming Timesheet Images
- A Candidates payment includes different Tax rates
- Can I upload Timesheet images into ETZ?
- Error 'Cannot Have Zero Amount Bill Item, Item Must Be Removed'.
- How do I add overtime to a timesheet when validating it?
- How do I create a deduction on a current timesheet?