Agency Details
- Setting up a Twitter Feed
- Can we get an email address set up so that candidates can send in their timesheet?
- How do I set up exchange rates on etz?
- How to change the 'From Email' in Agency Details
- Is it possible to change the Invoice logo or banner on our etz site?
- SMS feature
Agency Users/ Consultants
- Consultant and Consultant Admin Roles
- How do I set up a new agency user?
- I want a user to be a consultant for commission purposes and have other administration abilities.
- Reports Available to Consultants
- We have multiple sites on etz and I need a new user to have access to all our etz sites?
- What can the different Agency Users do?
Branches and Sectors
Timesheet Timespan
Parent Company Entry
Client Entry
- How to Add a Rate Card
- How to deal with Invoice Finance/Factoring
- How do I deliver a Sales invoice to more than one email address?
- How do the Invoice Delivery options in Client Entry work on Etz?
- I am trying to delete a Client record but I am getting an error message?
- I need to set up a client with a different VAT rate - is that possible to set up? If so how can I do this?
Client User/Authorisers
- A Client user has forgotten their password - What should I do?
- A timesheet authoriser cannot access the system to sign timesheets - is there a problem with the site?
- An authoriser cannot see any timesheets to authorise on their portal
- How to add a Client User
- Multiple Authorisers
- We have a timesheet that is 'Awaiting authorisation' but the authoriser states the link is no longer valid?