Timesheet Validation
- Adding Images to a Timesheet Under Incoming Timesheet Images
- A Candidates payment includes different Tax rates
- Can I upload Timesheet images into ETZ?
- Error 'Cannot Have Zero Amount Bill Item, Item Must Be Removed'.
- How do I add overtime to a timesheet when validating it?
- How do I create a deduction on a current timesheet?
- How do I redirect a timesheet to a different timesheet authoriser?
- How do I reject a timesheet?
- How do I upload a timesheet image and create it's timesheet to validate it?
- How to action the timesheet when the contractor submitted the timesheet for incorrect number of days and it was approved by the manager. The timesheet has not been online validated by the agency
- How to Automatically Create Invoices from Timesheet Validation
- I have an image which I wish to add to more than one timesheet/expense sheet. How do i do this?
- I have lost/removed a timesheet image
- Incoming Image Selection options
- Is it possible to add additional images to timesheets, expense items and permanent assignments?
- Our timesheets are not coming in to the ETZ Incoming Images queue.
- Validating a timesheet without an image
- We have recently updated the rates on an assignment but when we are validating a timesheet the rates are not showing the correct values?
- When I try to validate a timesheet a red error message is displayed saying the units exceed 37.5 hours. Why is this?